Apr 3, 2009

Vegas, baby!

This week Kevin and I are in Las Vegas, my home once upon a time. I lived here 2001-2004; I had some of the best times and some of my lowest points in this city. I had no idea how much I really missed it here. The city itself is so full of wonder and mystery and holds many memories for me.

The flight in was long, we had a layover in San Francisco, and I got a little bit of work done on the flight. Once we landed in the city, I got this huge grin on my face and I couldn’t stop smiling all the way through the airport. Kevin kept looking at me and telling me how happy I looked, and all I could say was “wow, wow.” Walking outside the airport alone set off all kinds of thoughts and emotions off. We were picked up by a good friend of Kevin’s and went out to eat with his family. Our first night, we stayed at the Riviera ($30 a night special), the room was not fancy, as the hotel is not fancy. They charge a $3 service charge to turn on power in your room, what? I remember going to that casino a few times in my days here, not often, but enough to remember my way around. It was an interesting stay and we were both glad it was just for one night.

Wednesday morning, we pack our bags and walked across the convention center parking lot to the Marriott Suites where we would be staying for the remainder of our trip. This is quite a step up, if you ask me. Separate living and sleeping area; pull out couch, two tvs, very fancy. We checked in and then Kevin had to go to work, at the Convention Center running a booth there for his company. I had this huge room to myself and I sat in it all day, working on a large writing project. I got most of it done by the time Kevin got home. We were both in the mood for a buffet (its Vegas and the rock). We decided to walk the strip and check out some of the newer hotels, and there are a lot. We walked halfway down the strip until we came to the casino formerly known as the Aladdin, now known as Planet Hollywood or PH. Then we pigged out in the buffet, which was decent but not spectacular. We continued our trek along the strip by cruising through the Bellagio and Forum shops before heading home.

My Plate

Kevin's Plate

We stopped and watched the fountains at the Bellagio and as I looked around I teared up a little bit. At that moment, I realized just how much I missed this place. The lights, the warmth, the people, all of it just came back to me. I grew up a lot here; actually I would say that I grew up the most here. I learned a lot about myself, and this place had the biggest influence in making me the person I am today. I cried the hardest here, and I struggled the most here. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for Las Vegas. It is good to be back; I will really enjoy this trip and be sad to leave this place once again.

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