Sep 27, 2008

Starting the Dream

Here goes the first blog post, always scary. I have decided, for quite some time now, that I wanted to be a writer. I am in the process of writing a few books; however, I get about half-way done with each one and then stop. Call it writer's block, call it fear, call it lazy, but none of them seem to get done. Solution: start writing each day. Doesn't matter what I write, as I long as I can be dedicated to writing at least 20-30 minutes each day. I'll start small, 5-10 minutes a day. Posting blogs is a great way to write.

The introduction:

I'm a counselor at an alcohol and drug treatment agency. I like what I do, but I hate what I do. I get bored easily and have a short attention span. I love the outdoors and I love the indoors. I'm interested in all sorts of things and I have an endless span of useless trivia. I have a lot of strange things and thoughts happening to me each day, which I will gladly share. I'm a career college student and have lots of advice in that area.

I pretty much will write about anything and everything that is going on at any given moment. My blogs will be happy, sad, funny, confusing, and maybe even helpful. Once I get this blog going for awhile, I may try one of those pay per post sites and see how that works out. For now, this is my writing assignment to myself. As the saying goes: "Practice makes perfect".

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